I equip our future leaders with multifaceted mindfulness tools.

I teach practical, accessible, and culturally responsive tools through workshops or in-school immersions that include mindfulness and character education with an award-winning curriculum coupled with exercises and creative activities that encourage self-care and that have been proven to support academic success.

With science-led tools founded in mindfulness practices accompanied with music, creative writing, and theater arts, we equip our future leaders with a powerhouse of soft and hard skills that improve reflective decision-making skills, confidence and thinking on their feet. These community-specific workshops support our mission to build character and allow participants to be exposed to differentiated learning while interactively exploring character and mindfulness education through various academic and artistic mediums.

No matter what your objectives are in the realm of supporting the social-emotional needs of your scholars’ I’ll cater my offerings to match your goals.

I empower Educators to be the super heroes they innately are.

I deliver workshops and mindfulness trainings geared towards providing educators with personal tools to handle the challenges of supporting high-needs communities and giving them the framework to share the Moment of Mindfulness Method with their school communities. Let’s face it, teaching can be challenging, but rewarding when armed with science-led and differentiated learning mindfulness tools. We co-create a program that aligns the true needs of your educators and school community to affect real sustainable change.

Regardless of your educators’ needs, we work together to create programming that supports their development and in turns benefits your entire school community.

I take parent engagement to new heights.

In the fast-paced world of adolescence and education, more now than ever, our scholars’ parents need our support. I curate community relevant and science-led mindfulness programs that help deal with the stressors of parenting, break generational cycles, and prepare them for the ever evolving landscape of parenting. My programs have successfully inspired new ways of thinking within the homes of our scholars further shifting their future narratives and creating new possibilities within entire families.

The bottom line is that it takes a village to bring up emotionally intelligent and well-adjusted humans, and I’m committed to being a part of that village.

I give school leaders effective tools to uplift their communities.

In the demanding roles of school leadership, it’s crucial that school leaders are given the means to stay balanced while providing their community the unparalleled leadership they deserve. We’ve led various administrative-focused mindfulness programming that has inspired the some of the key stakeholders in learning communities to incorporate mindfulness practices in their own personal lives. With some of the benefits being stress reduction and obtaining a better quality of life, everyone wins when our leaders are better prepared to ride the wave of providing direction to a school community.

Whether you’re seeking new ways to bring balance into your life, or would like to inspire your colleagues towards living and leading mindfully, we’ve got your back.